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International Leadership Ministries is a nonprofit Mission bringing hope to children and families of Honduras.  Founded in 2016 by way of teaching leadership, education, providing clean water, food, projects, mission teams and the Word of God.  


ILM Ministries, is designed to help people of all ages advance into success.  Through education and the teachings of God's Word we believe success is unlimited. 

Our primary goals are to establish ourselves within communities that are most vulnerable to poverty.  Our vision is longevity and consistency.  We believe in doing and serving the local people will bring a Christ like atmosphere that will carry over into the communities we are helping.  Implementing God's Word, leadership training, work training programs, values and ethics classes, providing meals, clean water and education will be key to advancing many children out of poverty.

We strive to meet the physical needs that Honduras lacks so desperately.  With an increase of extreme poverty, malnutrition poor infrastructure and infant diseases we as an organization desire deeply to change these statistics to a more positive number which will increase confidence and vision for the people we are reaching.

Paul Schmucker the founder went on his first mission trip in 2000 to the Island of Curacao, North of South America.  It was during this time that a powerful leading was evident to serve in full time international work.  As a former student of Word of Life Bible Institute he continued doing missions throughout NYC, and then continued his education at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College in 2003.  Since then he has ventured on several foreign mission trips to Central American countries which led to serving full-time in Honduras.  In 2014 arriving with suitcases and starting from the ground up Paul has experienced a faith walk that has truly been life changing.


The open door to the village of Yarumela is a unique story that started with a very poor family along the road at the entrance of  the Yarumela community. This family has a little girl named Hope who touched Paul and Candy his wife in a special way.  This led Paul to discover the needs and how International Leadership Ministries can help.  This was the beginning of God writing a story that would lead us to build the House of Hope. 

Stories like this continue as we walk by faith reaching communities for Christ. 

Paul has a deep love for God and reaching people beyond the borders.  He desires to work along side mission groups, the local church and serve the local people with the love of Jesus Christ.  He values the help of mission teams and has seen the lives of many changed through the efforts of reaching people beyond our comfort zones.  Married to Candy Marcela Schmucker, whom is a great asset to Paul, serving together they have experienced the miracles of God's provision in reaching Honduras.  Candy, has a Bachelors degree in food and nutrition safety.  They both direct and lead the House of Hope center, teaching values and ethics, hosting mission teams, community projects, food distribution and helping in all they possibly can in order to see that many children escape poverty. 

Honduras is the second poorest country in Central America, with thousands of needy children and families living in communities and villages in desperate poverty.  Our missionary focus is on serving in the areas of greatest spiritual need and helping the poorest of the poor.  With a population of over 8 million people, Honduras has one of the highest murder statistics in the world.  Struggling to have clean water and nutritional food increases crime and makes poverty an epidemic.   The average income per family is $2.00 a day.   Honduras is stricken with needy statistics and grabbed Paul's heart to change those stats to a more positive influence.  With many needs and more hands on deck we can make a difference.  Paul's vision of mission teams joining the work will help bring a more positive influence to the country of Honduras.  Contact us today and let's help Honduras together.

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